
Mostrando las entradas de 2018

What is it?

The second successful activity I recomend you is What is it? Because students must be paying attention and they have to start thinking according to their personal background in order to answer correctly. The activity is based on clues to discover the word or missing sentence. As you may see in the picture below, there are 5 sentences in each square, they're clues and you or your students can read them in order to let the rest of the group listen and think about a possible answer.  Of course you're not going to show all the sentences (clues) and the picture (answer). What you have to do is to present one sentences at a time, and organize the group in order to participate most of the students. Something that works and I suggest you, is to give to your students turns of participation, so the rest of the group cannot say anything unless the one who wants to participate raise his hand. This helps for your classroom managment.  If you have any concern or comment leav

Information Transfer Activity

The first successful activity I have used I my English Classroom has been Information Transfer Activity, which helps students reproduce the message they hear in a new form. They listen and respond by completing a table. Example Class: I'm going to show you how you can use this activity in your classroom with this very easy example about the 5 senses , you can adapt it. The first thing you should do every time you start a class, is an attention getter or a warm-up. Let me show you one: ·          Warm up of senses (touch the body part you mention while you speak with your students) I have two eyes, so I can see (clap) And the nose to smell (clap) I have ten fingers that can touch (clap) I have two ears so I can hear (clap) I have a tongue inside my mouth to taste the food (clap) (scream) Five senses!! ·            After you've got your students' attention (this is very important) you can ask them to watch and listen to a video.